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Privacy Policy

The Cerebral Palsy Association of Manitoba (CPMB) is committed to respecting your personal information as we comply with the Privacy Act (PIPEDA). Please see the list below with regard to our treatment of your personal information.

  1. CPMB will not sell, trade, or otherwise disclose your personal information to any other agency or group.
  2. Only the CPMB's Director (who is also the Privacy Officer) and Funding Coordinator have full access to donor history, the receipting function, and donor personal information. Personal information is considered confidential; therefore access to it is restricted.
  3. Personal information is collected for several key reasons, some of which are listed here:
    1. Issuance of tax receipts.
    2. CPMB's mandatory reporting to the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency).
    3. Communication regarding CPMB activities (e.g.: newsletters, occasional information related to fundraising efforts or association activities)
  4. While CPMB is required by law to retain donor personal information for a period after the donation is made, donors can request to be removed from any list of contacts for possible future communication by contacting CPMB's Privacy Officer.
  5. No financial information (e.g.: credit card number or otherwise) is retained in our database.
  6. CPMB considers any receipt of personal information as permission from the donor to have his or her information stored in our database, excluding any financial information.

CPMB is an independent non-profit organization governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. The Association offers information, referral, support, advocacy and use of its library to anyone affected with CP or to those interested in or working with people affected by CP. Our funds are generated from the generous donations of individuals and groups. We would not be able to continue to offer the support we have to so many without your continued support. Thank you for your commitment to CPMB.

Revised and CPMB Board Approved February 14, 2012

Copyright © 2010-2025. Cerebral Palsy Association of Manitoba Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Our Mission
Create a community where people living with physical challenges can live their own best life and achieve well-being and fulfillment - whatever that means for them.
CoHabit - A housing initiative of the Cerebral Palsy Association of Manitoba (CPMB) • Registered Charity #10690 4212 RR0001